10 Easy Science Experiments You Can Do Right Now

10 min read


There’s a much better way to teach kids aside from reading books. Here are 10 easy science experiments you can do with your kids today that they’ll definitely remember far longer compared to when they just read them from the books!

Click the “next” arrow for these 10 easy science experiments.  Get ready for great learning and some awesome fun!

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Bottle Organ

bottle organsPurpose

To demonstrate how frequency affects the pitch of sound.


  • tap water
  • 6 small-mouth bottles of comparable size
  • metal spoon


  1. Pour different amounts of water in each bottle.
  2. Gently tap each bottle with the metal spoon.
  3. Note the difference in the pitch produced.


The bottle with the most water has the lowest pitch.


Sounds are made by vibrating objects. The number of times the object vibrates – moves back and forth – is called the frequency of the sounds. As the frequency increases, the pitch of the sound gets higher. Tapping on the bottle causes the bottle and its content to vibrate. As the height of the water column increases, the pitch of the sound gets lower.

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Bottle Organ

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