10 Easy Science Experiments You Can Do Right Now

10 min read


There’s a much better way to teach kids aside from reading books. Here are 10 easy science experiments you can do with your kids today that they’ll definitely remember far longer compared to when they just read them from the books!

Click the “next” arrow for these 10 easy science experiments.  Get ready for great learning and some awesome fun!

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To demonstrate that light travels in a straight line.


  • scissors
  • ruler
  • cardboard
  • modeling clay
  • flashlight
  • index card


  1. Cut three 6-inch (15 cm) squares from the cardboard.
  2. Cut 1-inch (2.5 cm) square notches from the center of one edge of each of the three cardboard squares.
  3. Use the clay to position the square about 4 inches (10 cm) apart with the notches aligned in a straight line.
  4. Lay the flashlight behind the column of cards.
  5. Use clay to position the index card like a screen at the other end of the column.
  6. Darken the room and observe any light pattern on the paper screen.
  7. Move the notches so that the notches are not in a straight line.
  8. Observe any light pattern on the paper screen.


Light appears on the screen only when the notches are in a straight line with each other.


Light travels in a straight line. When the notches were in line, the light rays were able to pass through the openings, but when the notches were out of line, the rays were blocked by the cardboard.

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