Tag: homeschool

How to Stop Your Children From Arguing in Your Homeschool

How to Stop Your Children From Arguing in Your Homeschool

Children argue. As much as parents hate it, as much as we try to look for ways to nip it in the bud, it’s not going away. It’s part of being a kid and having a sibling. If you are hoping to stop your children from arguing altogether, this isn’t the article for you. If,…

Homeschooling: Is It for You?

Homeschooling: Is It for You?

Homeschooling is an excellent educational option, but that doesn’t make it the right choice for everyone. Just as public school suits some children while private school is a better option for others, homeschooling helps some children and their families thrive. For others, not so much. Since you can’t use your neighbor’s experience as a gauge,…