Top 5 Learning Software and DVD’s for Kids

2 min read


As homeschoolers, technology has become a big part of our children’s learning experience.  Kids are learning through a variety of ways and some of them being all online or through television.

If you are like me, you tend to limit your child’s screen time so that they learn to explore traditional tools like library books and their imagination.

From time to time I try to find learning software and DVD’s that I know will benefit them.  I dug up 5 of my favorites that I think you as a homeschooling parent may consider utilizing with your kids.  These are in random order of preschool through highschool:

  1. Disney: Mickey’s Typing Adventure (Preschool and early grades 3-6)
  2. 20th Century Day by Day CD (Grade school 7-10 years old)
  3. 3D Dinosaur Hunter (Grade school 7-10 years old)
  4. Britannica Family Encyclopedia CD (Tweens and Teens 11-17)
  5. Cosmi’s 3D World Atlas CD (Tweens and Teens 11-17)

Did you know that you that there is a Kids Software Clearance As Low as $2.95?  That’s definitely an excellent price especially as homeschoolers living on a budget.

What is your child’s favorite learning software or DVD?

This post was written by:

Lindsey Clair

Lindsey Clair is a homeschooling mother of three daughters. She has been married fourteen years to her best friend Ron where he is currently a Solutions Engagement Supervisor for the State of Michigan at UPS. Lindsey possesses a degree in Child Development. She hopes to pursue a degree in Marketing and Advertising in the near future. She is currently a professional blogger and freelance writer for multiple sites and enjoys working from home while homeschooling her children. Lindsey is also a musician. She currently plays the piano and flute and sings. She was formerly the children’s director at her parents church as well as on the praise and worship team. Lindsey and her family are currently in a new transition with another church and waiting on what their next move will be. Lindsey’s hobbies include reading, shopping, blogging, and hanging out with family and friends.

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