Literature was always one of my favorite subjects to teach with my girls. There’s just so much you can dig into!
Finding a great book and using that as a platform to learn other things was one of the best things we did. Not only did it keep my children interested but we were all able to learn together!
Sometimes, we’d just pick up a book and look for opportunities to explore more and others, I used traditional teacher resources like the ones below.
A Guide for Using How To Eat Fried Worms in the Classroom
This is a teaching literature unit based on the popular children’s story “How to Eat Fried Worms”. This includes sample lesson plans, pre-reading activities, biographical sketch and picture of the author, book summary, vocabulary lists and vocabulary activity ideas, quizzes, hands-on projects, cooperative learning activities, cross-curricular activities, post-reading activities, book report ideas, research ideas, culminating activities, unit test options, and answer keys.
Look It Up! Great Activities for Learning How to Use Reference Books
Help your kids explore and easily navigate all atlases, almanacs, dictionaries, and more with this engaging collection of activities. Encourage your kid’s critical thinking skills. Let this resource serve as a springboard to other activities in your curriculum!
Teaching With Favorite I Spy Books
Make great use of your kid’s fascination with I Spy books! From activities that reinforce spelling skills to those that strengthen math and science concepts, you’ll be amazed at the may ways I Spy books can be used to support curriculum. Help kids in sharpening their skills when it comes to problem-solving and more!
One lucky Modern Homeschool Family reader will have a chance to win this complete set of teaching resources! Entering is easy, just leave a comment below (required!!) telling us which which book has been your favorite to teach with so far (or the one that you’re looking forward to teaching with the most, if you haven’t started homeschooling yet), then fill out the form (yes, you have to do this too). You can get extra entries for social sharing (sharing on Twitter or Facebook) and other things.
Just remember, this is only open to adults (18 year of age or older!) in the U.S.. You have until midnight on August 18, 2015 to enter. The winner will be picked at random and notified via email.
Modern Homeschool Family Teaching Literature Resources Giveaway
I would love to use the I Spy collection. My son really enjoys hands on learning and activities so I know this would be a great addition to our home school materials!!
so far its been the Mystery of History