5 Useful Projects to Inspire Creativity in Children
Don’t limit art projects to only the traditional origami, collages, and coloring page. You can introduce a number of off-beat projects to their curriculum that goes beyond the usual!
Free Printable Helps Kids Learn Kindness and #SparkGoodness
This free printable from young adult author, T.A. Barron, will help inspire your family to do good deeds, no matter what the season!
The Best Places To Travel
Quo aute efflorescere, ita fugiat aliquip. Lorem ad litteris, anim cupidatat ut concursionibus e quae proident hic litteris, de multos adipisicing. Fugiat laboris nam exercitation, arbitror an senserit ubi aut quis lorem id cernantur, ubi minim iudicem nostrud. Minim fidelissimae…
The Best Shopping Cities
Cupidatat non anim ex esse senserit te quem sint iis an ab familiaritatem ea iudicem ipsum quibusdam. Esse relinqueret cernantur legam possumus non cupidatat despicationes se ullamco, a senserit exercitation, summis litteris te cupidatat. Anim a voluptate…
Homeschool Curriculum Advice from Cathy Duffy
It doesn’t matter if you are a new homeschooler or a veteran, choosing the right curriculum can be overwhelming. There are so many choices! What fits with your child’s learning style? Which one delivers more challenging content? Which one fits your philosophy of education? While the ultimate decision is up to you, a good place to start is to read reviews and ask around for some homeschool curriculum advice.
What Is Kumon and Does It Really Work?
You’ve likely seen ads on television or passed by Kumon centers in your daily travels. Have you every wondered, exactly, what Kumon is? Read on to learn if it’s right for your family.
Is Your Teen Ready for a Part Time Job?
Is Your Teen Ready for a Part Time Job? | There are a lot of benefits for teens that hold a part time job. Ask yourself these 5 questions first.
What to Teach When Homeschooling Seventh Grade
What to Teach When Homeschooling Seventh Grade: Seventh grade builds on knowledge and skills gained in sixth grade while exposing children to increasingly more complex topics. Here’s a simple guide for what to cover and develop in seventh grade.
How to Homeschool When You are a Single Parent
Homeschooling your child comes with its own set of challenges. When you add in being a single parent, things can be a bit more complex. However, complex doesn’t mean impossible! There are definitely ways to make it work.
The Only Mac and Cheese Recipe You’ll Ever Need
This is a family favorite because the teenagers love it, it can be made ahead of time and it’s pretty economical, especially if you use the coupons.