In Part 1 of How to Create Your Own Homeschool Transcript, we covered some basics of finding or creating a template. This time, we’ll cover what to put on the transcript and where to get help if you need it. For your own sanity and ease of recall, it’s best to have the transcript set up at the beginning of the 9th grade year. This way, you can simply add courses, grades and notes as you go.
Here’s what you need to include:
- Name of your homeschool: This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Something like [Insert Your Last Name] Family Homeschool will do just fine.
- Contact information for your homeschooler: Include his name, address, phone number, and email address. Some people include the student’s social security number, but with the threat of identity theft, you may feel more comfortable omitting it.
- Course list: Organize it by year and possibly by semester.
- List of other courses: List any dual enrollment, advanced placement, or honors courses, organized by year/semester.
- Grades: Even if you don’t like giving them, colleges expect to see them. You can use letter or number grades, but do include grades for each semester (if you do semesters) as well as grade averages for the entire year. Include your student’s GPA as well. Provide your grading scale so that admissions officers know exactly what each grade translates into.
- Credits: You’ll need to list how many credits your student earned for each class. Provide the number of credits earned each semester and year. In your student’s senior year, you’ll want to provide a cumulative total as well.
- Standardized test scores: If your student has taken the PSAT, SAT, or ACT, post your student’s highest scores.
- Graduation: Include the date on which your student is expected to graduate. Change it to the actual graduation date when the big day finally arrives.
- Homeschool supervisor’s signature: This is you, so make your John Hancock and date the transcript.
That’s basically it for the basics. Though you are free to add to this plan to suit your homeschooler’s unique educational journey, this is the minimum you should include in a homeschool transcript.
Getting Help
It always helps to have people who’ve been there and done that on your side. Turn to a local homeschooling group or co-op for support and advice as you prepare the transcript. You may also find online groups like Homeschool to College helpful for support and information.
Here are a few other links that may help you:
GPA:Learn about GPA calculations and grade scales.
Requirement Examples: Take a look at high school requirement examples.
Weighted Grade Explanation: Just in case you want to use weighted grading.
Creating transcripts doesn’t have to be a tortuous exercise. The key is to start early and make organization a top priority. Have any tips for creating a homeschool transcript? Share with us (below)!
[…] Now that you’ve gotten this far, read How to Create Your Own Homeschool Transcript Part 2. […]